Monday, January 3, 2011

Sanders on Leadership

More from J. Oswald Sanders:

If a Christian is not willing to rise early and work late, to expend greater effort in diligent study and faithful work, that person will not change a generation. Fatigue is the price of leadership.

A leader will seldom say, “I don’t have the time.” Such an excuse is usually the refuge of a small-minded and inefficient person. Each of us has the time to do the whole will of God for our lives.

True greatness, true leadership, is found in giving yourself in service to others, not in coaxing or inducing others to serve you.

The leader must use God’s power to move human hearts in the direction he believes to be the will of God. Through prayer the leader has the key to that complicated lock… In prayer we deal directly with God and only in a secondary sense other people. The goal of prayer is the ear of God. Prayer moves others through God’s influence on them. It is not the prayer that moves people, but the God to whom we pray.

If leaders are to survive, they must view the difficult as common-place, the complex as normal.

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