Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pearls on a Goat

Place an expensive pearl necklace around the neck a super model and people may or may not notice the pearls. But, place a pearl necklace around the neck of a goat and it’s going to stand out.

Put some grilled shrimp next to an expensive piece of Kobe beef and lobster and the shrimp could be overlooked. Place the grilled shrimp in a box of chicken nuggets and they will not be missed.

There is a reason why jewelers showcase their diamonds against a black background. They want the diamonds to stand out and look fantastic.

If you are tracking with me - then you will really appreciate 2 Cor 4:7. Paul writes, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.”

God has revealed His Son to us by placing His glorious light in our hearts. But before we get a large head and think that makes us worth talking about - lest we make a mistake and think that we are a big deal - 2 Cor 4:7 helps us to understand whom He is and who we are not.

God so loves the world that He took steps to ensure that people will clearly see where their hope comes from and where salvation originates. God has placed His glory in clay pots, earthen vessels - US - so that the world will unmistakeably see that it is God, and God alone, that possesses life-changing, death-delivering power. It is His Love and kindness that compels Him to tell it like it is. It’s His goodness, not pride, that caused Him to place the greatness of His soul-saving power in a very conspicuous place.

Check it out- He is the pearl necklace. We are the goat. He is the grilled shrimp. We are the chicken nuggets. All eyes are on God and that’s the way it should be.

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