Monday, March 9, 2009

Creating a Tribe

The Edge has grown considerably over the last 7 months. Sometimes on Sunday mornings I look out at the congregation and think, "Wow, we are becoming a big group of people."
But rather than big, I'd rather be tight.
Rather than a group, I'd rather be a tribe.

The purpose of this blog is twofold:
1) To create a way to share my thoughts/vision for the Edge with those who have a heart to serve.
2) To enable discussion and create conversation among those who see the health of the Edge as their personal responsibility.

I want to create tribe within our church. A tribe of servants. A tribe of brave and prayerful men, filled with the Holy Spirit, and eager to be used.

What do you say? What is the Lord directing you to do?


  1. How much have we grown, versus how many new folks do we have??? I agree, I see lots of new faces, and that's great, but I sometimes get the feeling we are cycling people. We need to grow tighter increase involvement. One way larger churches do that through small groups. People get connected, serve, lead .... It can be bible study, home fellowship, music ministry, dinner for 8, etc.

    Ever thought about doing Dave Ramey's Financial Peace? I'm ready to see the church grow tight, not sure I like being called a tribe. ha

  2. Good comments Scotty.

    I am excited to say that we know have 3 small groups meeting each week at The Edge. I think that is a step in the right direction.

    Dinner for Eight is Good but only as good as the people who lead it (some of the groups from last round met once or NEVER). Aghhhh.

    Financial Peace? I think that could be a great thing to offer! When? How much? Who?

    "Tribe" as in old Testament structure of cohesive families. :)

  3. I'm in! As we discussed on tuesday I would like to have kind of an open mic night on saturday evenings for poetry reading, singing, or just a time of sharing. There's only so much to do on saturday nights anyway. It will be kinda like coffe house nights in the old days. Anyone interested please let me know. I am honored to be a part of The Edge and its leadership. God Bless Mark Hinkle

  4. To find out more about Financial Peace, go to Dave Ramsey and look at church programs. It's a christian based program. His popularity has exploded with the current economy. He has a radio show everyday from 11-2 on 710 am. I'd be willing to teach it.

  5. I agree growth is great!! But we need to balance growth with closeness. I'm excited to help expand the home groups. i think anything we can do to help people connect ultimately benefits us all. Tribe on!!

  6. Coffee, music, hanging on Sat night sounds great Mark...who's gonna be in charge? Still wondering how Dave Ramsey is going to help us develop a tribe mentality....any thoughts? Small groups are going great...need more involved. Great discussion last night at Johnston's!

  7. I will have to agree with Nate and Scott, the only way to strengthen the core and to abolish the revolving door at the Edge is for people to create relationships (aka small groups). I do feel small groups need to be marketed better at the Edge if we are going to see any growth in them at all. People need to be informed how small groups can impact their walk with Christ rather than informing them of time and locations.

  8. John 11:44 "He that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes"

    When we first became born again into spiritual life, how many graveclothes were hanging about us! A man who first comes out of the grave to the living God, will at times find his old graveclothes (sins) clinging to him.

    Jim, I know your heart is to build a firm foundation for the church and bring new believers to the full knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I will help in any way you need!

  9. "People need to be informed how small groups can impact their walk with Christ rather than informing them of time and locations."

    Very good point!
