Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Mission. Our Process.

I have been working on a new “Mission Statement” for the Edge that will not only provide a simple way to remember and understand WHAT we do, but will also provide a clear explanation of HOW we intend to do it.

Here it is:
Love God, Love People, Serve the King, Tell the World.


This is the greatest commandment. We exist to love God with everything we are. As a church, and as individuals, we must strive to live holy, righteous, faithful, devoted lives of sacrifice.
This is the second greatest commandment. The mission of the Edge is to love people. As a church, and as individuals, we must endeavor to treat people with kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, patience and truth.
Our King was and is a servant. He came to serve. The mission of the Edge is to serve people. As a church, and as individuals, we will work to advance the kingdom through the use of our hands, feet, eyes and ears.
In Matthew 28 Jesus gave his disciples The Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.” As a church, and as individuals, we will strive to spread the message of Christ and make disciples for Him.


Our Sunday morning service is the “Love God” step of our discipleship process. Most people will start their relationship with Jesus in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings, worshiping God and learning His word. Sunday morning is a great place to start, but not at all where we want people to end.

The “Love People” aspect of our discipleship process takes place when a “Sunday only” person takes the next step and begins attending a small group. Wednesday night meals, the women’s group, weeknight home groups (etc.) all exist to connect believers and deepen their walk with Jesus.

Once a person is involved in some sort of small group, they will then be encouraged to join a ministry team and “Serve the King.” Service within the Body of Christ is a key element in discipleship and is essential in creating mature “others-centered” Christians.

The final step in our discipleship process is “Tell the World.” It is our desire for people to see “The Great Commission” as their commission. Our desire is for the members of The Edge to take part in duplicating themselves by inviting others to love God, love people, serve the King and tell the world.

This is a VERY brief synopsis of the vision for simplicity and clarity that the Lord has been pouring into my heart. I have written these things down for two purposes:
1) To give you a “heads up” of what going on in my heart and head.
2) To get some discussion going. What do you think? Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Creating a Tribe

The Edge has grown considerably over the last 7 months. Sometimes on Sunday mornings I look out at the congregation and think, "Wow, we are becoming a big group of people."
But rather than big, I'd rather be tight.
Rather than a group, I'd rather be a tribe.

The purpose of this blog is twofold:
1) To create a way to share my thoughts/vision for the Edge with those who have a heart to serve.
2) To enable discussion and create conversation among those who see the health of the Edge as their personal responsibility.

I want to create tribe within our church. A tribe of servants. A tribe of brave and prayerful men, filled with the Holy Spirit, and eager to be used.

What do you say? What is the Lord directing you to do?